Regional Plans

A variety of plans are developed by or for the Lake APC. Generally, the plans referenced on this page will be reoccurring plans completed by APC Staff, but may be occasionally accompanied be a project specific plan that was completed by the project consultant.

Public Participation Plan

The Lake APC encourages public participation in the planning and decision making process and holds public hearing whenever an important decision concerning transportation is imminent.

Public Participation Plan – December 2020

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Plan

The Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Plan identifies existing Non-Emergency Medical Transportation needs, optional services and possible service areas to meet the needs of mental health patients, seniors, persons with developmental disabilities and others in need of this service in Lake County.

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Plan – February 2011

Lake Transit Authority Bus Passenger Facilities Plan

Lake Transit Authority (LTA) strives to provide mobility for all residents of Lake County.  The existing transit system presents barriers to ridership for residents with impaired mobility or those who are unfamiliar with the existing transit routes and bus stops.  The project will explore opportunities for both improving the existing infrastructure and expanding the information services and infrastructure to better serve the needs of new users and members of the public with a greater need for transit accessibility.  A multi-jurisdictional strategy will be developed coordinating State, regional, county, and city government resources to more seamlessly implement and maintain bus passenger facilities in the region.

Final Lake Transit Authority Bus Passenger Facilities Plan 2019-12-11

Lake County 2030 Regional Blueprint Program

Lake County 2030, a comprehensive planning tool that was completed through several phases consisting of outreach to gain knowledge and input by the citizens, local elected officials, local agencies and other stakeholders of their “vision” for Lake County, gathering and developing data for this project, developing a vision and principles, and draft alternative scenarios.  The Final Blueprint Plan was adopted in October 2010 and summarizes all phases of the Lake 2030 Regional Blueprint process. The fourth and fifth phases of the Regional  Blueprint process  developed tools and resources to help local agency staff and project designers, property owners and developers to incorporate Blueprint Principles into planning documents and development project plans.

Lake County Active Transportation Plan

The Lake Area Planning Council developed the Active Transportation Plan in coordination with the County of Lake, the Cities of Clearlake and Lakeport, and the Lake Transit Authority.  With input from community stakeholders and members of the public, the result is a regional vision for improving and integrating the bicycle and pedestrian network.  Due to the unavoidable overlap with the non-motorized element of the existing Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), the Lake Active Transportation Plan will also serve as the non-motorized element in future RTP updates.

Active Transportation Plan for Lake County – December 2016

Regional Bikeway Plan

The Regional Bikeway Plan had been prepared every four years.  The purpose of the plan was been to identify and prioritize proposed commuter bikeway improvements within all jurisdictions of Lake County.  The Regional Bikeway Plan has been supplanted by the Active Transportation Plan which addresses a broader range of potential non-motorized transportation projects eligible for the new ATP funding program.

Past Documents

Lake County Pedestrian Facility Needs Inventory and Engineered Feasibility Study

In recent years, the notion of walkable communities has been strongly encouraged by government agencies at all levels for a variety of beneficial purposes.  Within the Lake County region, a lack of adequate pedestrian facilities connecting employment, commercial, and residential centers remains a key barrier to improving pedestrian mobility.  This project will explore the needs, priorities, and feasibility of improving identifiable deficiencies within the pedestrian network of the region’s cities and unincorporated communities.  Ultimately, the project will develop a plan providing options and recommendations leading to the eventual construction of new and infill pedestrian facilities and/or crossings within the region.

Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP)

The RTIP is a capital listing of all transportation projects within the region proposed for programming in the State Transportation Improvement Program over a five-year period for regional transportation planning agencies.  In addition to capital projects, the RTIP may include funding from the region’s share (up to 5% of the Fund Estimate) for planning, programming and monitoring (PPM) activities.

Current Documents

Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)

RTPAs are required by Federal and State law to develop Regional Transportation Plans in order to qualify for and receive transportation funding. The RTP is a long-range (20+ year) planning document that is developed through a coordinated effort with local partners, the public and Caltrans. The RTP considers a balanced and multi-modal transportation system. The Plan considers regional issues and includes recommended projects within a financially constrained budget. In rural areas, the RTP must be updated every five years, and include an environmental review pursuant to state law known as California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

2022 Regional Transportation Plan

Past Regional Transportation Plans

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Regional Baseline Study

Senate Bill (SB) 743 required the State to change how transportation impacts on the environment are evaluated under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The intent of the legislation is to change the measurement of transportation impacts analysis as part of the CEQA compliance. These changes include elimination of auto delay, level of service (LOS), and other similar measures of vehicular capacity to vehicle miles traveled (VMT). The VMT analysis methodologies, set new VMT thresholds for transportation impacts, and determine what mitigation strategies are most feasible for determining significant impacts. The new requirements for CEQA projects were put into effect on July 1, 2020. 

Final Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) 2020/11/30